Percentage Body Fat Calculator
Percentage body fat calculator
Percentage body fat calculator is a calculator that is used to measure the total body fat of individuals based on some measurements.

Body fat percentage is the full-fat mass divided by the entire body mass. It includes storing body fat and essential body fat. The body fat calculator helps determine your body fat percentage, the number of calories to burn, and body type.
What is its formula
The percentage body fat calculator uses the formulae
Total body weight – lean mass
Percentage body fat= (Body fat weight x 100)/ total body weight.

Benefits of the calculator
The percentage body fat calculator helps individuals have a better picture of what has happened to their bodies.
Through the results it gives, you can easily access disease risks
The calculator allows individuals to find out if they are overweight, normal, or underweight
The calculator helps individuals assess their weight and know the necessary changes to make
Body fat percentage is a nice indicator of your body’s composition and shows the amount of fat contained in your body.

With this knowledge, you can easily know where to make adjustments for a healthy and strong body.